Using a service provider can save substantial amounts both on the purchase of a house and for all ongoing transfers for living expenses abroad. The following firms have been selected due to the professional quality of customer service provided to our clients. We are proud to be associated with a range of partners who represent excellence in their respective fields of expertise. We advise you to look at their relative services to see who can best cater to your requirements.



FC Exchange is a foreign exchange and international payment solution provider based in the City of London with satellite offices around the world. We help thousands of people every year move their money around the world safely and quickly.

At FC Exchange we offer great rates, great service and great solutions. These are some of the reasons we have transacted over two billion pounds for our clients.

FC Exchange


Currencies Direct was the first independent foreign exchange company outside of the banking world to provide private individuals and companies with commercial rates and a quality service.

Besides saving you money, they provide a personalised, jargon free service with free access to payment tracking. Get quotes. It is quick and easy to register.

Currencies Direct


We appreciate the professional level of advice that HALO provide our clients. We find their staff to be truly experts in their field. Clients are supplied with a clear daily analysis of the markets and advice as to when would be the best time to trade.

HALO offer a personalised service and have built a loyal following with many of our clients.

Halo Financial -Foreign Exchange and Currency Rates


It is wise to make provision for your currency transactions well in advance. When you find the house you wish to purchase you will need to forward a deposit to the notaire. It is prudent to prepare for this eventuality in order to take advantage of most favourable rate on offer and to ensure that there are no delays when you have found and are ready secure your dream home. Whether you are transferring 10 – 30 % deposit or funding the whole purchase in one transfer you can take measures to ensure some protection from unfavourable movements of euro and sterling.