a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z

acquéreur purchaser
acompte a percentage of the price paid in advance
acte authentique legal contract drawn up by a notaire or a public officer
acte de substitution written agreement substituting one purchaser or lessee for another
acte sous-seing privé written agreement  (pre-sale agreement to the Acte Authentique)
acte de vente transfer or conveyance of land
affirmation de sincérité clause stating that the price declared is accurate.
agence immobilière estate agency
agent immobilier estate agent
amiante asbestos
arrhes sum paid in advance by purchaser or lessee
assainissement Drainage,  septic tank or mains drains.
assurance insurance
attestation d'acquisition notarial certificate of purchase
attestation parasitaire  insect infestation report


bail lease
banque de consignation the bank used by a notaire for the deposit of money
bon pour achat good for purchase
bon pour vente good for sale


cadastre land register
carte professionnelle estate agents card
carte de séjour residence permit
certificat d'urbanisme certificate of zoning (local authority search)
certification d'identité identity document
charges et conditions responsabilities and suspensive clauses
clause pénale penalty clause
compromis de vente contract of sale or purchase of land
condition suspensive clause in the contract which is conditional on certain terms being obtained
constructible land designated for construction under local planning
copropriété co-ownership


délai de réflexion the period within which you may withdraw after signing the initial contract
Dépôt garantie deposit
désignation legal description of the property
droit de préemption right of pre-emption
droit de donation right to make a donation (tax free)
droit de succession right of inheritance
donation entre épouses notary act giving the surviving spouse use of the property (usufruit) for the rest of their life.


EDF electricity department of France
élection de domicile statement of residence for fiscal purposes - primary or secondary
enregistrement the registration of ownership
Etats des lieux description or schedule of the condition of the premises
expert comptable chartered accountant
expert foncier an agreed professional such as an architect who may report of the value or condition of a property


frais d'agence agency fees or commission
frais de notaire notaire's fees


Géomètre land surveyor
GDF gas department of France


HT hors tax - without tax
hussier de justice bailiff
Hypothèque mortgage


Immobilière immovable property, ie fixed to the earth
indivision when a property is owned by two or more parties not bound together by marriage


jouissance right of usage


location rental
loi scrivener french law protecting borrowers from French lenders and sellers on French property purchases in all cases other than a purchase on plan
lu et approuve read and approved


maire the mayor
mairie the village or town hall
mandat de recherche a private agreement giving an estate agent power to search for a property
mandat simple de vente simple mandate without exclusivity
mandat de vente avec exclusivité mandate to sell a property with exclusivity
marchand de biens a realtor who buys and sells property
monuments historiques listed building


notaire the notary
Nu propriété ownership of the walls without right of usage


occupation occupant of the premises
offre d'achat offer to purchase a property - this is not a binding contract
offre de vente an offer to sell a property - this is not a binding contract


permis de conduire driving licence
permis de construire planning permission
plan de cadastre cadastral plan
plan de financement project of financing or mortgage
plomb lead
plus-value capital gains
Prélèvement debit order
projet de l'acte contract  prepared for  approval




regime matrimoniaux matrimonial regime i.e. whether married in contract or not
resiliation cancellation


SAFER this is a governmental organisation which governs proper usage of agricultural land.  They are able to pre-empt certain sales
saturnisme lead related illness
securite social this is the French national health system
servitudes rights of way
societe a registered company


TTC all taxes (including sales tax or vat) included
TVA value added tax
taxe d'habitation local rates on property occupation
taxe fonciere local tax on the property ownership
termites white ants
testament will
timbres fiscal revenue stamps - certain official documents require these
tontine joint ownership


usufruitier right of usage of the property
urbanisme town planning


vendeur seller
vente sale




