A sellers pack is required to be produced for properties being sold within France. This consists of numerous reports which are attached to the preliminary sale contract. Below we outline the more common reports.
A sellers pack is required to be produced for properties being sold within France. This consists of numerous reports which are attached to the preliminary sale contract. Below we outline the more common reports.
The Notaire is a public officer, titled by the state to prepare and execute
contracts. They serve to advise with regards to legal status. They earn
their fees through a set scale of administrative charges pertaining to
the contracts that they execute. They are responsible for all searches
performed on the property before completion and are accountable to the
authorities for payment of registration fees, and capital gains liability
that may be incurred through the transactions. The purchaser is guaranteed
clear title of ownership.
An administrative document itemising details pertaining to the value,
position, position and usage of land. It is used to establish the rates
payable. Each commune is responsible for establishing and updating the
plan cadastre which is a summary table and map detailing the matrices.
This agreement is drawn up by the Notaire and is signed by both parties. It is a binding document, committing both parties to the sale. This signature is usually accompanied by a deposit of between 5-10 % subject to negotiation.. The deposit is held in a Notarial trust account and is non interest bearing.
The contract sets out the details of the sale, starting with the identity of the seller including marital status, place and date, birth details and passport nos.
The equivalent details are then given for the purchaser.
The details of the property are then laid out giving a basic description and the cadastral references listing each parcel of land, its surface area and its designation. This is usually accompanied by a "plan cadastre" which maps out the boundaries of each parcel.
Surveys must be conducted prior to the signature of the initial contract for the following issues:
A report is also required outlining the risk areas within which the property is situated. This covers areas at risk of flooding, seismic activity, tornados, avalanche, landslides, etc. The categorisation is very broad however and one needs to make further enquiries once one has seen this report in order to establish whether independent houses are at risk.
The contract will usually contain a number of clauses the most popular are listed on this page.
"Origine de Propriete" This clause gives details of the previous sale through which the sellers became proprietors.
"Propriete - Jouissance" A clause stating that the purchaser takes ownership and full possession on the day of the act.
"Lutte Contre Le Saturnisme" The seller declares that to their knowledge there is no risk nor history of poisoning from lead in the area or of any other poisonous material.
"Prix" The agreed price is declared, and the purchaser agrees to pay this sum on the day of the act of sale.
"Negotiation" The intervention of the Agency involved in the negotiation is specified and the amount of the commission.
"OBJET - Plan de Financement" Details pertaining to the financing of the sale and the mortgage should one be required.
"Reiteration" This clause stipulates that the sale must be completed by an registered notarial act with the notaire(s) stipulated in the contract, prior to the final date set for completion. Should the terms not be met, the clauses which relate to the ceding of the deposit will take effect.
"Election de Domicile" The address used for all legal documetation. This is usually the physical address of the notaires office.
"Situation Hypothequaire" The seller ensures that there is no mortgage on the property, should this be the case.
"Declarations Fiscales" The seller declares his residence for fiscal purposes
"Assurances" The purchaser may take an optional insurance to cover a portion of the sale price in the event of their death prior to signature, and nominate the beneficiary.
"Charges and Conditions"
"Conditions Suspensive"
These take numerous forms but some of the more common are listed below.
Should a clause not be met the purchaser has the right to retract from
the sale and their deposit is refunded.
a) In the interests of the purchaser
"DEPOT DE GARANTIE - Clause Penale"
Both parties vouch for the fact that the price declared is the true price. (The sale price should never be under declared. The temptation to save a relatively small sum in fees is counterbalanced by stringent penalties for breaking the law, the likelihood of incurring higher capital gains taxes down the line, limitations in raising finance and risks of losing the sum paid outright without acquiring the property.)
The name of the notaire is reiterated, and the parties agree that the sale can go ahead under the conditions and the price stipulated. In the case of a dispute a legal tribunal will decide.
The purchaser has the right to withdraw from the contract for a period of 7 days after acknowledging receipt of a copy of the contract.
Note : All information on these pages are set out and intended as a guideline only and should be verified with a notaire, advocate or lawyer should you wish to take any firm advice relating to any legal matter.